Mother May I?

You know, I’ve been thinking about something and it’s probably gonna cause a ruckus but if we’ve learned anything in this life it’s that not talking about things doesn’t make them go away.

In fact, it breeds ‘em bigger.

So, here’s what I have been thinking: what if it is not enough?

Motherhood that is.

What if it is everything but not the only thing?

What if it takes more from us than it gives us?

What if it drains us more than it fills us?

Am I saying that it’s not worth it?

No. Because- somehow-beneath the exhausted, ragged, run down spirit is a heart so full it threatens to burst from the chest.

But what if that’s not enough?

What if we have more inside us?

What if we want to be a mom and…

And a thinker. And a dreamer. And a doer.

Raising kids is more like sowing seeds than growing produce. You plant ideas and values and morals and strength and kindness and love and you hope it takes. You hope that you’ve given them the tools to reap the fruits of all that labor.

And sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. And if we’re only moms then when it doesn’t, that’s devastating. But if we are moms and…then maybe a little less devastating.

So, here’s what I propose. We can love our kids with everything inside us. We can sacrifice our time, our bodies, and our all to give them everything we got. But sometimes it won’t be enough.

In those moments we have to remember that WE are. We are enough and it’s okay if being a mom is just a part of you.

It’s ok to find purpose beyond motherhood.

It’s okay to love them fiercely and nurture your passions relentlessly.

It’s ok if we give them almost our all and then use that last little bit for ourselves.

Being a mom is everything but it isn’t always the only thing and you know what- I think that dialectical loving is the best kind of living.

Love your kids hard, my friends but every now and again, love yourself harder.

*Originally posted on Rebel Housewife Facebook and Instagram

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