Write Way to Think

Y'all. I had an epiphany. There is power in writing it down. Now you may be thinking that's not an epiphany, you literally just talked about that like three posts ago. But the amazing thing about concepts and the brain is that it's always making new connections to what we already know. I guess that…

Thursday Thoughts: Wrestling with Rest

Y'all. It's all too much. And by "all" I mean the pandemic. For the zillionth time, I am in health care. I have gone into work for three days of 2022 and it is fucking madness. COVID-19 is out of control. I mean that very sincerely. If you are one of the lucky ones that…

Thursday Thoughts: I Don’t Have Any Sensical Ones

I'm trying to access the part of my brain that does the thinking but it seems to have gone dormant. Or maybe I have too many thoughts and I can't organize them into coherent sentences. So maybe I'll just write them all down for your reading pleasure. For starters, I'm devastated (and I wish I…

Last Call for Filters and Resolutions

One thing I filtered on the socials was my mouth. Based on my social media accounts you would probably assume that cuss words are not in my vocabulary and I was intentional about that because I didn't want to offend anyone in case I went viral one day. Maybe at some point in my journey…

It Matters

*Originally posted on Her View From Home* *Originally posted on Her View From Home* There’s a phrase I use to describe myself on the regular. It may be cliche and overused, but I find that it really captures being human.   Especially a human with depression and anxiety.   Especially a Christian woman trying to navigate through…